Written by: Kaitlyn Pierson

You’ve hit the snooze button one too many times this morning, forgot to do laundry last night so you are left wearing yesterday’s coffee-stained blouse, didn’t have time make a real breakfast so you settle for a Pop Tart, and you forgot where you left your keys last night, so you suffer the consequence of running twenty minutes late for work. Sounds about right?

How you start your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. I am going to share with you six steps to incorporate in your morning routine, to help you start your day on the right note.

Step 1: Setting your alarm.

There is nothing worse than waking up late and rushing out the door. Rushing causes stress and hinders you from thinking clearly. Ultimately, it starts your day off on the wrong note. With this morning routine, you will be setting your alarm two hours before you need to leave for work. I know what you’re thinking, “NO WAY! Give me as much sleep as I can get!” But here is the catch: you will feel more awake by following this routine, so hang in there.

Try placing your alarm on the other side your room. This way, you will be forced to get up to shut it off. You can hit that snooze button all you want, but make sure you are up and going with two hours to spare.

Step 2: Hydrate.

The best way to help your body wake up is to hydrate and move. Drink 8 ounces of cold water to help your body awaken. Never skip this step! It’s easy to go straight for the coffee, but water is very important to your health in the mornings.

Step 3: Move.

Spend the next thirty minutes moving. This can be at your gym, an open space in your house, or if it is nice outside, your backyard or neighborhood block. Everyone’s physical journey looks different. For some of you this may look like stretching, running, or lifting weights. Give yourself time to move and wake up your muscles.

Step 4: Reflect.

After moving your body, spend fifteen to twenty minutes reading, praying, or journaling. Take this time to yourself. This may look like spending time with God or simply writing down your feelings. This time is so important, because it helps you slow down and think before starting a busy day.

Step 5: Eat.

At this point, you should be almost an hour into your morning. Take fifteen minutes to make a healthy, fueling breakfast. Oatmeal, avocado toast, or eggs are great options. This will fill you for the morning and give your body more energy for the day. Much better than a Pop Tart, I promise!

Step 6: Get ready.

At this point, you should have well over half an hour to get ready for the day. I would suggest preparing the night before by washing clothes and picking out an outfit for the day.

There you have it! Six steps to a better morning and ultimately a better day. Giving yourself the time to wake up, hydrate, move, reflect, eat and get ready can lead to a great day.