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Do You Want To Achieve Optimal Self-Improvement? It Is A Matter Of Looking In,...

The final chapter of this three part series touches on the impact of spiritual realm of health and the importance of feeding it.

Truth, Goodness, Beauty…and Faith?

Finding God through reason

Do You Want to Achieve Optimal Self-Improvement? It Is a Matter of Looking In,...

We are not made to be perfect. Who sets the standards and where do look when evaluating ourselves? With this two part series you will learn the key to optimal self improvement is learning to look inward and up, not out.

“Give Your Heart a Voice”

The heart is the inmost core of our being. Often, we can lose track of our hearts. How can we reconnect with our hearts and live abundant lives thereby?

Resolution Revitalization: 5 Essential Elements

Five essential elements to help get you back on track with your New Year's Resolutions.

New Years Resolutions….the one word you should define before making that list.

Is it really about making the RESOLUTION, or is it actually about the DISCIPLINE required to attain it. Discover seven detailed steps to ensure your success. Isn’t it time to actually conquer these resolutions? Bring on the challenge!

Coincidence! It is Him calling us back to His Arms!

Coincidence is God's call - His message to you!