By: Rachel Hudson

Working from home is the new normal. Learning how to make your home a productive work space is important to your career success.

1 – Create a Practical Work Space

While it may be tempting to work from your couch, that may not be the best idea. Having a designated space that is designed for you to work will make you more productive. Make your desk a place you enjoy sitting at. Bring in some color, pictures, and fun accessories (i.e. a plant, lamp, etc.). By creating a space you enjoy, you will enjoy doing your work more.

2 – Maintain Regular Hours

Set your work schedule and try your best to stick to it. Just like going into the office, your time is valuable and the more you stick to your regular hours the easier the transition to work at home will be. However, the best thing about working from home is the flexibility it provides. If allowed, make your hours work best for you.

3 – Connect with your Coworkers

It is easy to feel isolated from your coworkers when you are all not together in the office. Using video calls and messaging systems like Slack make connecting a little easier. Take the extra time to schedule time with someone you haven’t spoken to in a while just to check in. Remembering that you are a part of a team is important, you are not alone. Communication with one another is key to making working from home successful.