
Do you want to land your dream job? Do you want to be taken seriously as a young professional? The best way to obtain these goals is to first have a successful interview with your prospective boss. An interview is your first chance to make a good impression in person. I sat down with Steven Nail, Dean of Business at Anderson University to gain incite on how to have a successful interview. It is vital for your career to make a good impression and have a successful interaction with the professional you are interviewing with. Having an unsuccessful interview has the power to hurt your career in the long run. In order to insure this does not happen follow the tips bellow to not only have a successful interview land your dream job and be taken seriously as a young professional.

It is All About Appearance

Appearance is everything. This is the first thing the professional interviewing you will notice. When going for an interview you want to dress in your best business professional attire for instance, men need to wear a suit, button down shirt, tie, and dress shoes. For women there are a few more options. These options include a nice knee length dress or even a nice pant suit with a button up shirt. You do not want to wear anything casual or flashy. The colors of your attire should be neutral as opposed to bright and vibrant colors. The goal is to look clean and put together. This is an interview for a job that has the potential to jump start your career and not a causal meeting with friends so look the part.  

Knowledge About the Company

Do not go into an interview blind. Know about the company you are interviewing with. A good way to do this is by visiting the company’s website and read their mission statement. Doing this shows your potential employer that you care about the company and its success. This also comes in handy in the interview process because knowing about the company can help you formulate strategic questions and cultural responses to their questions. Also, you can also gain insight on what your part in the company will be and how you can contribute to the company’s success.

Take Notes

Bring a something to write with and paper to write on. Taking notes in an interview is crucial and shows the company you are excited and eager to jump into work. Some things you can take notes on would be what is expected of you in the role you are interviewing for and some answers to your questions you have strategically formulated.

Stay Focus

Stay focused and attentive during the entire interview. Maintain eye contact and do not let your eyes wonder around the room. Do not text or be on your phone at all during the interview. This gives off the impression that you do not care and have something better to do. Maintaining focus is the best way to maintain a professional attitude and show the company you care.


Interviews can be tough and stressful at times but keeping these tips in mine is a sure way to have a successful interview. Having a professional and clean appearance, having knowledge about the company and forming strategic questions and responses, taking notes and maintain your focus is the best way to land your dream job. Success starts here so make your interview count.

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