To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate- that is the Question??!

This is our final podcast for 2020!!!!  Oh - what a year it has been.    As we look back on this year marked by COVID-19 we can’t help but be humbled by...

Just Because You Can—Should You? Disciplining Employees for failing to Follow COVID-19 rules...

Welcome to the first podcast of the 2021 New Year! Today, Steve and I are chatting with Chris and Perry about employees not adhering to CDC rules with the potential to spread...

New President & Changes to Human Resources! What to expect!

On January 20th, as President Elect Biden is sworn in as President of the United States, many in the Human Resources and Business Community will be watching closely as changes to our...

TURKEY ANYONE? How do we help our employees during this DIFFERENT holiday season?

A season often filled with joy and gatherings will undoubtedly be marked negatively by the COVID-19 virus.  How can employers help their employees navigate this different holiday season?  This week we are...

How I Balance My Life as a Working Mama

I am a working mother of 5 children aged 10 and under.   When I figure out how to balance my life as a working Mama, I’ll let you know!  However, below are a few...

Direct Primary Care May Save Healthcare

Do you get a sick feeling in your stomach every time you have to prepare for benefits selection or plan design/renewal?  Over the past 10 years, healthcare costs have risen on average...

Blowing up the Annual Performance Review

I think everyone has seen the trailer to a scary film, where the dark music plays and you just know that at any second, something very frightening is going to jump out...

Why Internal Recruiting Works

Today there are many options when it comes to recruiting and there is not a one size fits all approach.  Depending on the size of the particular HR department and the number...

Saving Drake and Vivian

When Steve Nail and I began the SurviveHR podcast, we expected our episodes would cover Human Resources related topics.  However, this one is different- this one will cover just the Human side.

HR Laws to Look Out for in 2020

Well it’s that time of year again, Election Time.  That’s both good and bad.  It’s good in that very few federal laws will be moved through Congress and it’s bad because we...