Dianne Kosto is a mother on a mission. When her youngest son was in 3rd grade, they noticed he was having challenges in school with reading comprehension and math. It was very difficult for him to remain focused, and his condition would only escalate to impulsive behavioral issues, outbursts, and even declining school grades. He was always well liked by students and teachers, however, it was very frustrating for him not to be able to learn at the rate of his fellow classmates. 

 At the time, Dianne was a single mother to her two boys and she was determined to give her sons a stable and supportive environment. Dianne was uncomfortable labeling her son’s behavior and unwilling to succumb to the advice that she medicate him. As her son grew older, she felt inadequate in controlling and restraining his behavior. She enrolled him in multiple school environments in hopes of finding one that would work. Eventually, she sent him to Camden Military School in Camden, SC.

Then, one day, the administrators called Dianne because her son wouldn’t comply with school regulations and had to leave.  She did not know what to do. Her next step was to send her son to a Christian school thousands of miles away in St. George, Utah that serves struggling teens.  Again, she was called and told that her son was on probation; he only had one more chance. This was the end of the road; Dianne was determined to find an answer, she had no other choice. 

She met Dr. Guy Annunziata who discussed neurofeedback as an effective, drugless, non-invasive treatment for conditions such as impulsivity issues, ADHD, autism, learning disorders, migraines, mental focus, and concussions. What she learned would change her life. She discovered children with behavior and cognitive disorders have higher rates of irregular EEG brain waves. This creates abnormalities in attention, memory processes, drowsiness, and movement control. 

If one could train the brain to transform an unhealthy, abnormal brain waves into a normal, healthy pattern, then the brain would become more stable operating efficiently and optimally. Neurofeedback is the solution that accomplishes this. It is a form of strength training exercises for the brain that is fun and effective for all ages. Something deep inside told Dianne this was the right track, it just felt right.

At Dr. Annunziata’s recommendation, she had intensive training in the BrainCore  Neurofeedback system, packed the equipment in her car and traveled cross-country to Utah to her son. She did not know anyone in the area, so she rented an apartment for five months. In cooperation with the academy, she conducted neurofeedback training session to the students enrolled.
After a couple of weeks of 30 minute neurofeedback sessions using guided exercises on a computer screen, something miraculous began to happen. For the first time Dianne’s son was able to concentrate in a sustained, linear way. Having never experienced concentration, he didn’t know how to describe the lack of it as the source of his frustration and inability to stay engaged at school. Her son reported how he felt by drawing a smiley face.

 As a mother, you can only imagine how Dianne felt. After all of those years of struggle and heartache, finally she found a solution that actually was able to help her boy. Dianne said, “After forty sessions, neurofeedback saved his life. The impulsivity was gone” 

It is impossible to share the pain, anguish and fear Dianne experienced through the years into a blog. The inability to find the remedy and support for a child is very painful for too many families. Dianne lived it. She struggled to find the best course of action to help her son. She used up her savings, and continues to pay off the debt she incurred while trying to fix the problem. While nothing else worked, neurofeedback worked for her son. 

Dianne was so passionate seeing how neurofeedback helped her son, her mission is to help other families and individuals who are searching for answers. She decided to open a BrainCore Neurofeedback office in the Greater Boston, MA area helping families. One office turned to two, two turned into three, and now Dianne operates six offices in MA, SC, and GA, and the results continue to be miraculous. She likes to quote Dr. Frank H. Duffy, professor and pediatric neurologist at Harvard medical school who says, “In my opinion, if any medication had demonstrated such a wide spectrum of efficacy [as neurofeedback] it would be universally accepted and widely used.”

If you or a loved one has a behavior disorder, ADHD, autism, anxiety, insomnia, mental fatigue, migraines, or brain trauma and you would like to learn how BrainCore Neurofeedback can help, you can schedule a complimentary phone call with Dianne personally at meetme.so/DianneKosto.

(Exerts of this blog were taken from Dina Chester from Pink Magazine)