Pursuing Your Passion with Kylie Odetta

While maintaining social distancing this week, we got to sit down and chat with indie/soul singer-songwriter Kylie Odetta. There is no one better to talk to than Kylie about pursuing your passion....

Are you ready for disaster?

Guests: Chad Ayers and Andy Sexton of ProActive Response Group. ProActive Response Group’s founders are well-trained veteran SWAT team leaders, with first-hand experience in hostage rescues and high-risk dignitary...

How they Built it: The LOT Project

How The LOT Project Began Today we are speaking with Cody Wright, the director of the LOT Project. LOT stands for least of these taken from Matthew 25:40 in...

3 Benefits Of Taking Breaks at Work

Increase your work productivity by taking breaks. Carys Isleib / February 16, 2023 Is It Essential to Take Breaks? Have you...

How the Wedding Industry is Adapting to the Social Distancing World

In this uncharted territory of social distancing caused by COVID-19, we are seeing just how important social interaction is for small businesses, especially those in the event and wedding industry. We all...

How to Communicate During COVID-19!

Human Resources and business, in general, have been forced to change the way they communicate with their team members. The communication, in some instances, has gone from face-to-face to...

Top 3 Things to Do in London

By Aaron Bennett London is the capital of England and one of the busiest cities in all of Europe. If you're a first-time...

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate- that is the Question??!

This is our final podcast for 2020!!!!  Oh - what a year it has been.    As we look back on this year marked by COVID-19 we can’t help but be humbled by...

Let’s Talk Design with Tori Ashmore

"don't limit your creativity to someones elses creativity" Tori ASHMORE We recently sat down with Tori Ashmore from Atlanta, Georgia and talked to her all about running an interior design...

Clothed in Dignity: Talking Authored Apparel with Brenda Wilton

This week, Sophisticated Professional Podcast had the opportunity to speak with entrepreneur Brenda Wilton. Brenda shared her story on creating her clothing line called Authored Apparel, along with advice for entrepreneurs of...